Food Test Wiki
Battle Reservation Hub
The Battle advertisement Hub is a place to advertise your battle, view other battles on the wiki, or see a list of battles open for voting. To use the Ad Hub, simply follow the rules and recommendations below. All action on the Ad hub is to take place on the talk page for this article

Guidelines for Adding a Battle[]

To add a battle to the Ad hub's talk page, simply follow these guidelines.

  • All advertisements must have a subject/header or they will be removed.
  • All advertisements must be signed (using your signiture using ~~~~)
  • Advertisements may have up to 2 images, such as images of the warriors or a title card at a respectable size.
  • A link to the battle itself. (Not in the header)


On source mode, you'll find two buttons aimed primarily for use on the ad hub File:Buttons.png.

The first File:Closed.png will display this message, Template:Closed

  • This alows users to browse which batttles are open for voting.

The second File:Written.png will display this message, Template:Written

  • This is used for battles in which the simulation has been written. This allows users to view which battles have been written.
  • When using this button/template, please add your signature using ~~~~. This will timestamp the date and allow browsing battles written for certain months.

If any questions arise, feel free to contact an a bureaucrat or administrator. Template:AdminNavbox
